Beautiful palomino pinto colt born this summer.
Nagli is tall, shows a lot of töltt, nice moves and sweet character.
He is after first prize stallion Nemó frá Efra-Hvoli 8.48 (photo below). Who has amazing pdigree.
F: Álfgrímur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 8.47
FF: Honorary Orri frá Þúfu
FM: Honorary Álfadís frá Selfossi
M: Eining frá Lækjarbakka 8.03
MF: Honorary Markús frá Langholtsparti 8.36
Mama Gletta frá Skíðbakka I is a super kind horse. She has competed with the smallest of children and has taken excellent care of them and she has a lot of very smooth Tölt.
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